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EXPERIMENTAL: If you're using a web browser that supports the Web Speech API (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Opera), this voice capture testing should work... though the actual translation may/mayNot be accurate. enunciate
Try command: "OKAY, clear this page"
Or just say some words...
[still in development]
- podDVR app
- TimeLine Player
- Event TimeLine
- Clip TimeLine
- Exposure tiles
- Engage buttons
[still in development]
- Multimedia Files
- Broken Links
- Corrupt Files
- Duplicates
- Incorrect Metadata
[still in development]
- Content Accessibility
- RSS Feed Conformity
- Production Quality
- Rating/Labeling
[still in development]
- Community
- Content Curation
- Peer and Post Ranking
- Fan Relationships
- Talent Involvement
VIZdex v5.1.0 » Annotated Timeline Presentation Platform
Open the VIZdex DOCUMENTATION WEBSITE in a new window.

The VIZdex Annotated Timeline Presentation Platform is the foundation for our network of webmedia-based sites, including podDVR. For simplicity, VIZdex.com is our CENTRAL DOCUMENTATION SITE and serves as a single point of reference for questions and issues related to the underlying web software engine. ALSO feel free to check out the growing resource on HOW TO get the most out of YOUR web multimedia experience, including tips and tricks.
podDVR is a FREE and engaging way to find, enjoy, mark, and share web media. The site focuses on podcasts, which are simply AUDIO-centric entertainment or educational shows that you can listen to ON DEMAND. Most are FREE! Our site adds some interesting capabilities, including TIMELINE NAVIGATION of all the episodes of every podcast series. This is an experience you have not quite had before!
BONUS: AUDIO... and VIDEO + PHOTOS + TEXT + DATA, too. This is a multimedia machine. No extra charge.
This site fully supports the individual right to free speech but also serves a wide-ranging audience, including in age... and certain internet content is truly not for the eyes or ears of the young. Therefore, our system recognizes the RSS EXPLICIT tag and stamps content with a GRAPHIC ICON. Soon, there will be a toggle switch in Member Options so these can be filtered from all requests, if you like.
The initial responsibility for tagging explicit content lies with the RSS feed provider. This can be done at the channel level or item level. In podcasting, this would be the PROGRAM/SERIES and the EPISODE; the entire program can be flagged or individual shows can be flagged.
In addition, this web app provides a tool for FANS... and the general public (no login required)... to FLAG CONTENT as EXPLICIT. Subsequent visitors benefit from your INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION, showing the power of fans, and this ever-growing, crowd-sourced knowledge base will become more useful for everyone. For more information, see diveMarker
As the technical methodologies for handling this sensitive area evolve, the current and official explanation is always available on the central documentation page.
podDVR is a tool to TRACK your favorite shows and CREATE HIGHLIGHT CLIPS of the best parts to share them with friends (even non-podcast listeners!). Enjoy crowdsourced/fansourced parts of podcasts you don't track, or may not even know about! Explore the vast amount of podcast content in a fresh way. podDVR is powered by the VIZdex Annotated Timeline Presentation Platform.
Our unique approach to media annotatation lends itself to the attention often devoted to fan-related communities. In particular, our diveMarkerTM is NOT SIMPLY a deep media link... linking to the exact moment within a podcast/video... it is the ability to ATTACH or annotate that mark, adding significant extra value to the overall multimedia experience of the fan-base as a whole. Not to mention discovery and enjoyment by many others via our public websites.
Yes,you can ATTACH audio + video + photos + text + data. See the difference?
Not just marking... ANNOTATING. More than a "target spot", actually accumulating ADDITIONAL CONTENT related to the original content.
NO CHANGE AT ALL is required of podcasters' existing podcast production, hosting, and RSS feed distribution methods. Actual provisioning remains the same; our processes involve what happens AFTER the release of media-based content, how it can be packetized and presented in various ways to better engage fans.
For podcasters, podDVR and our underlying data network are tools to help expand your reach... to increase the size of your audience. We will soon announce an integrated online marketing engine that should make the benefits obvious. A SIDE BENEFIT will be our multi-site, crowd-sourced collection of media marks and the ability to share them. We believe MANY MORE will listen to a highlight snippet (100X? 1,000X?) than will ever find and listen to any entire podcast episode... and SOME will get hooked on you (if you deliver QUALITY CONTENT). T
If you have a valid RSS feed with active content, you can become a member of our unique network of content presentation websites, where the entire goal is more exposure for your podcast. We will offer a number of FREE member features, including a mini-website with your own episode timeline. Think of it as a landing page... and there will be more.
Coordination is through our TimeLine Syndication Network (TLSN.com) infrastructure, which we are building out. TLSN is responsible for management of all VIZdex licensing, code deployment, timeline dataset distribution, and other related data dissemination. In addition, TLSN handles dataset flows based on content licensing whether free or paid. Membership in TLSN provides a unified management interface over presentation of your data on our platform. We plan to offer several business services, some free and a few paid. Our strategy is to deliver generous value to a wide ranging membership and earn an exceptionally high retention rate.
In addition, the TLSN plans include a micropayment and ad deployment core that we intend to offer members an additional means of monetizing their content. We intend to test some fresh approaches we think hold promise. Establishing an environment for all players in the creation and distribution of online content can earn fair compensation in a trusted setting is one of TLSN's goals.
With a focus on delivering an integrated educational or entertainment experience and consistent with the inevitable convergence of web multimedia, faster connections, and more powerful devices:
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Canvas/SVG
- ajax
- cURL
- Linux
- Apache
Cross browser - no app to download or install/sync on device; web app should run in any modern web browser
Cross device - should present basic capabilities on any device: mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop, TV, projector. More screen surface enables multiple asymmetric functions without leaving web app (watch/listen while viewing other timelines, exploring other show episode show notes, adding to playlists, viewing images...).
podDVR is a One Page Web App and the first to be powered by VIZdex; both are bootstrapped web projects by BOLDfx, a Colorado corporation in good standing since 1998.
- VIZdex Annotated TimeLine Presentation PlatformTM - alchemy of creative thought, old school hacking, and wonderful open source shoulders to stand upon
- TimeLine PlayerTM - synchronized control of webmedia sources including audio, video, image, and text PLUS data
- diveMarkerTM - deep linking within media content, integrated social sharing mechanism, and crowdsource/fansource tool.
- Media NotationTM - adding attachments to deep-linked moments within media items
- Recursive NotationTM - iterative referencing support for related media items; annotating media with media
- TimeLine NavigationTM - all annotations have integrated click/press navigation and tightly-targeted social links
- Personalization options - track/subscribe to feeds, filter content to your interests, history, and other preferences
@podDVR on twitter
or email HIGHLIGHTS@podDVR.com
Privacy Policy - being reviewed and will be posted soon; no personal data is requested or retained at this time.
Corporations are not people...
... but they are comprised of people,
and do business with people,
and have been granted the ability to 'live' longer than people,
so there is a certain obligation to the mutual good of all people.
Every profitable company should commit to an on-going campaign to improve our society in some way, no matter how small. In fact, the vast multitude of "smaller" companies is a multiplier that makes the total contribution truly meaningful.
Our giveback is being an active Charter Member of AnnotatedTimeline.org
The goal is to make historical interactive timelines a ubiquitous learning resource.
podDVR v5.1.0 » powered by VIZdex » kaizen
Some settings can be changed to better match your preferences; options depend on level of authorization.
authorized setting to be inserted here
podDVR v5.1.0 » kaizen
try @podDVR on twitter
or HIGHLIGHTS @ podDVR.com